I'm happy to report that Kylee is now back in all of her amazing and wonderful fluff! She's been teething. Which has caused her to be a little fussier, to nom nom on anything she can get her hands on, to wake up during the middle of the night, and caused some icky, nasty diapers. So..we made the dreaded switch into disposables until Kylee's bowels got back on track. I tell you..clothes don't even look right without the bulkiness of fluff coming off the back. Babylegs don't look nearly as cute paired with a disposable diaper. It was just a week of sadness in this house. BUT..last night things went back to normal and Kylee went to bed in a super stuffed and wonderful cloth diaper! I am not telling everyone they have to cloth diaper..although if you're willing to listen..I'm willing to try and convert you. I promise.. you won't be disappointed. I just don't know how people can use disposables day in and day out. Kylee had leaks EVERY SINGLE DAY. My trash smelled like a petting zoo. I wasted money that just went straight into the trash covered in poop. It was terrible. But..I can breathe easy now.. WE'RE BACK IN CLOTH!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Fluff is Back!
Labels: cloth diapers, Kylee
Posted by Crissy at 8:34 AM 2 comments
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Yogurt Unsupervised!
Labels: funny, Kylee, lesson learned
Posted by Crissy at 12:48 PM 3 comments
Friday, December 11, 2009
Winter Wonderland...

Needless to say..it was been a very cold and snowy week. Have I mentioned it's not even officially Winter yet? Be gentle Mother Nature..be gentle.
Labels: family fun, weather
Posted by Crissy at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
RG Giveaway!
What is RG you ask? WELL.. Rockin Green is only the greatest soap on the face of the Earth! I use it mainly to wash my clothdiapers. It comes in two (soon to be three) formulas..classic rock and then soft rock. Soft rock is for those with sensitive skin. It comes in a million different amazing scents. I've tried quite a few myself and I have yet to find one I don't love. Anyways..The Inquisitive Mom is hosting a giveaway for a 45/90 load of soap. I want this win because I love my Rockin Green and you can never have to many bags. Ever. Seriously. It's great stuff. Great!
Posted by Crissy at 11:51 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Did you hear?
The Nebraska Cornhuskers will be playing tonight in the BIG 12 CHAMPIONSHIP game!! That's right folks. Tonight the Huskers will be laying out a big old hand of DOMINATION to the Texas Longhorns. Let's Go Huskers!! GO BIG RED!!!
Labels: sports
Posted by Crissy at 3:14 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thirsties Craving!
Posted by Crissy at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Happy 1st Birthday Kylee Lynn
Dear Kylee Lynn,

Posted by Crissy at 6:53 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Suck It Up!
Suck it Up Oreck Halo!... Please. Seriously. Suck up all the dirt and icky germs and yuckness that live deep down in my carpet! Oreck has a top of the line wonderful vacuum that I believe was made for ME and my family! It has a feature that actually kills germs, bacteria, mites, flea eggs and more. With my messy daughter my carpets have definitely seen better days.
The Halo is great because it is the only vacuum that uses Oreck Halo Ultraviolet Technology to kill many microscopic germs that can live and breed on your carpets and hard floor surfaces. Now.. doesn't that just call out to you? Still not impressed? Well did you know that there can be more germs on household floor surfaces than on toilet seats, kitchen counters, and bathroom tiles combined. Yeah.. gross, huh? Well the Halo will get rid of those nasty germs for you without using ANY harsh chemicals. Now I know you're convinced!!
So head on over to Eighty MPH Mom's awesome blog and enter to win one of these sweet vac's for yourself. I bet your carpets will be in tip top shape in no time! But don't enter too often because I need this vacuum. No, really. I do.
Posted by Crissy at 4:53 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Boo! It's a Bug!
A ladybug that is!!!

Posted by Crissy at 3:12 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 23, 2009
PC for Kylee!
Posted by Crissy at 3:47 PM 5 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
One, Toooo, Teee
So I have discovered that Kylee will count to three if you start by saying "One" and hold up a finger. I used my camera to catch it on video so the quality isn't stellar.. but it sure is darn cute! I say "One" and she says "Tooooo" "Teee" !!! Love it, don't ya? I figured. (Oh and please ignore the fact that I need a manicure something fierce and terrible.)
Posted by Crissy at 12:51 PM 2 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Wait! What?
Wait! Are you trying to tell me that my baby girl is going to be 11 months old tomorrow? What? Are you positive about that? I'm pretty sure I just gave birth to that big headed and big hearted babe with a big attitude not that long ago.
Wait! So that means I have ONE month to get all of her birthday plans in order. I don't do well under pressure. I never have. What am I going to do? Well.. besides stress until my hair falls out.. I'm going to get my ass in gear and finalize some things and order some things and wipe my tears away while doing it all.
One thing I am mucho excited about is the long awaited day where I didn't have to buy formula anymore. What person in their right mind likes shelling out a kidney and a right arm every month to buy powdered milk in a can? Not I... Not I... and on that note..I wanna throw out a big thanks to my boobs for failing me.. Nice job!
We're going to start using the sippy cup more and slowly taking away the bottle. I'm just waiting for Kylee to realize that a sippy is waaaaa-aaaay cooler than a stinky old bottle. But you know Kylee.. she does what she wants...when she wants..how she wants. But our goal is to cut the bottle shortly after she turns 1.
WAIT! What was the point of this post again? I mean aside from the fact that I've neglected this blog for how many days now.. The point of this blog was to inform you all that my baby girl is going to be 11 months old tomorrow and I'm not ready.
Wait! What's that? Yes.. we already had our first snow. Yes..I went and bought my cutie some winter snow attire that very same day. Yes...it all melted the next day. Nebraska........
Posted by Crissy at 1:07 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
Spring, Summer, WINTER?!
Well.. it's not really Winter right now. I was clearly being dramatic and what else is new? Although it's not Winter..these nipple freezing cold temperatures sure could lead someone to believe that Fall has taken to hibernating for the year. We have no snow, but we're waking up to high 30's and lower 40's and crazy strong winds.
Fall is one of my favorite seasons because I love opening the windows and getting the fresh, cool, crisp air moving through my house. Well..in these temperatures if we open the windows not only is it bone chilling air that comes in, but a small tornado starts in my house because the winds are so strong. I also thought I would be able to sit out back and enjoy a few drinks with Tim this time of year without dying of heat stroke or acquiring the ever sexy swamp ass. Alas..that idea is out the window too. You get blown away or frozen to your seat if you sit outside at night now.
So I'm going to go drop an email to Mother Nature real quick and ask her when she's going to stop jerking me around and give me my damn Fall weather. Until she responds though, I will continue to stay cooped up in my house, dressed head to toe (not literally) in anything made of fleece, wool, or heavy cotton and observe "Fall" through the window. Thanks Mother Nature. You suck.
Posted by Crissy at 12:30 PM 6 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
Moby Wrap: Save my Back!
So I have no complaints about our stroller. It's amazing and I looo-oooove it! But..there are times when I want to run into the store for an item or two...or places we go where it's just not very stroller-friendly. Times like this..it would be nice to have something that would make carrying an almost 23lb 10 month old a tad bit easier. So, when I found out that Kelly, from Baby, Naturally was having a giveaway for a Moby Wrap, I was ecstatic! This giveaway is in honor of International Babywearing Week too, of course! So hop on over and give it a go and try to win yourself a Moby Wrap to keep that precious bundle of yours close and comforted.
Posted by Crissy at 5:08 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Fuzzi Fuzzi Fuzzi Bunz!
Yes..that's right I said Fuzzi three times..and that's because..
Over at The First Time Around there's a giveaway going on to win 3 Fuzzibunz OS diapers. That's right folks. Count em.. 1..2..3 diapers! And who doesn't want to win that? I know I sure do! We have one Fuzzibunz in this house, and I love it! We don't have an OS though, and I would LOVE to try them out. So go on over, check it out, enter if you dare, and pray that we you win!
Posted by Crissy at 8:32 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Win Sum Dypaz!
Cloth Diaper Tips is giving away 6..yes 6 bumGenius 3.0 diapers! Which is an amazing offer and even a greater win for one lucky mama (or papa I guess..). So I'm really hoping it's me because we haven't tried the bumGenius diapers yet and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to as I've heard nothing but great things about them. There's a possibility of 5 entries..and I'm hoping that's enough to get me the win! So go check it out..enter..and when I win, cheer me on and if you feel like it send me more free diapers! We love em here!
Posted by Crissy at 6:37 PM 0 comments
OH poops!

Posted by Crissy at 4:11 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Speed Demon!
So we got a walker toy for Kylee from my MOM friend, Lindsay. Let me just say.. Kylee LOVES it! She looks for it when she gets up in the morning, after naps, etc. She has been so fast w/ walking from the very first time she tried it out. Steering on the other hand...she's gonna need some practice..or maybe take some driver's ed. But it's my go to toy when she's being cranky and normally it puts her in a good mood right away. Best $5 I've ever spent. We're working on getting a spare to have for grandma's house, aunt and uncle's house..pretty much anywhere that's not at home. Enjoy the video...Kylee does. She cried when I quit letting her watch it (she LOVES herself) and had her do something else (she watched it seriously 8 times!)
I apologize for the poor quality video..who wants to buy me an actual video recorder so I can stop using my camera? Eh?
Posted by Crissy at 5:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 27, 2009
She's a Smartipants!!
Posted by Crissy at 4:38 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
Holy 9 Months, Baby!
Well... as usual..time is still flying and my princess is growing older every day. This past week she turned the big 9 months. Well it's not really 'the big'..but putting that in front of 9 months makes it seem more unbelievable and crazy! She celebrated by having a playdate with her boyfriend, Ethan (aka being babysat by his mommy so I could go to a meeting). They had a great time which was to be expected. Those two are just too darn cute together!So what has Kylee been up to lately? Well..she has turned into quite the crawling machine! This girl is fast. One minute she's there..and the next minute she's gone. She has also gotten really good about going from laying, to sitting, to standing, to cruising along the furniture. She can also stand solo for about 5-10 seconds. So it's only a matter of time before she's cruising on her feet. She LOVES to dance. Oddly enough she really loves polka music (I blame that on endless hours at the St. Stan's Polish festival...meh, I guess it could be worse...) and can 'drop it like it's hot' like no other baby I've seen. She REALLY loves books. If you pick up a book and she's insight of you, she will crawl over and sit in your lap. She LOVES to help by turning the pages. This girl also loves nature. She is SO happy and vocal when she's outside and seeing different people. We also think she might be a little boy crazy already. She loves her Ethan but she also giggles and hides her face when she's around boys/men in general. We've also really gotten into cloth diapering with her. Her diaper rash issue has cleared up SO much since the switch too. Not to mention our wallets aren't as bare due to excessive disposable purchases. It's nice. AND as of two days ago, Kylee FINALLY has 2 teeth coming in on the bottom. I still can't picture my baby girl with teeth..like I never thought it would happen or something. She is also starting to sport some hair. SOME being the key word..but it's coming in. Light brown with lots of blonde in it. I can't wait to see it in its full glory. I'm not tooting my own horn or anything (toot toot) but I seriously have one GORGEOUS baby girl!
She has also become food crazy. Anytime she sees anyone eating something..she MUST have it. It doesn't matter if she just ate not too long ago..clearly we never feed her..and she has to have everyone else's food. She's too cool for baby food most of the time and wants the real deal. This girl would live on toast, yogurt, and fruit if I let her. But alas..she must also eat meats and grains. I know..I know..what a horrible mommy I am for trying to make her eat balanced meals. I think one day she'll appreciate me for it.
I also think this baby girl is going to be in swim lessons before we know it. She craves her baby pool and stalks the bathroom door until she's given a bath. The second she hears the water running she bolts for the bathroom door and when it's time to come out, she's sad faces and tears. Gosh I love my little water baby.
Anyways..that's 9 month Kylee in a nutshell. Her little personality is growing and developing so much every day and it's so fun to experience. She's such a happy and outgoing baby and I couldn't ask for more. (Although I would like her to stop bullying the smaller babies in our playgroup.....sorry Fi and Alex..) I can't wait to see what the future has in store for our precious hunk of amazing wonderfulness. I know it's going to be great!
Weight: 21lbs 13oz (90%)
Posted by Crissy at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Dream Eze AIO Review
So thanks to the Fluff Friday giveaways over at The Cloth Diaper Whisperer website.. I was able to win 2 Dream Eze AIO cloth diapers a few weeks ago. I hadn't tried an AIO on Kylee before and was really excited to see how they held up. So as soon as they were delivered I popped those babies in the washer and gave them two good washings on the hot cycle and dried them. We received a Mandarin and a Blackberry and the color did not fade a bit in the washing machine. After a few hours of waiting..I snapped one on her precious bottom. So..how did they hold up? What are the pros and cons? Well... let me tell you. BUT first, I'll give you a few facts and whatnot on the Dream Eze AIO diaper.
Posted by Crissy at 4:59 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Piggy Toes
So.. my latest obsession of blog giveaways has been very rewarding to me so far this month. One of my wins was a $20 gift card to Piggy Paint. Piggy Paint is a non-toxic fingernail polish that is designed especially for precious little girls. The best part is.. there's no smelly odors and none of the toxic chemicals that are in other fingernail polishes!
My experience with the people working for Piggy Paint was wonderful! I was having an issue with getting the code for my gift card to work and Laurie Marcolla, the marketing director, remedied the situation immediately without any hesitation. I received our order a few days later and I give major props to her and the company for giving great service to their customers.
Water, water-miscible acrylic resins and thickeners (well below 100 parts per million), glycol ethers. May contain mica, D&C red lake, ultramarine blue, iron and titanium oxide pigments.

Made from natural ingredients
No Acetone
Posted by Crissy at 5:27 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Is it Nap Time Yet?
Well for Kylee it is..which means I can actually sit down and think about a post for more than 2 minutes. She started crawling a few weeks ago...which means nothing is safe and everything is up for grabs. At first it was this really awkward zombie-like-movement crawl and then the next day she was off and gone and we were 'eating her dust' so to speak. And now..she's crawling from dawn to dusk and repeats it all the next day. She is also pulling up onto things and moving along furniture and people..so I've been told it's only going to be a matter of time before she's WALKING..Is it nap time yet? I knew this was all bound to happen but I thought maybe I'd have 1...2...8 years to prepare..boy was I wrong.
Posted by Crissy at 5:16 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Gro Baby
I would really like to try out the Gro Baby company. The blackberry shell set looks very appealing! What I love about Gro Baby is that they have snap in soaker pads and reusable outter shells. I like simplicity with quality and Gro Baby seems to have that. My daughter has eczema and very sensitive skin and I think Gro Baby will do a great job in preventing diaper rash as well as keeping her little bum comfy due to the soft organic cotton inside of their diapers. My sweet baby girl also has a narrow waist but very chunky thighs and I think Gro Baby would be an amazing diaper when it comes to preventing leaks because their diapers have adjustable snaps to get that snug but not too tight fit. I would be very pleased if I was able to receive a Gro Baby from the offer going on at http://www.thenaturalbabyco.com/grobaby%E2%84%A2-ic-11_16.html . I think my daughter would also be very pleased!
Posted by Crissy at 1:30 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Growing Like a Weed
Yes..that would be my daughter. The world's most beautiful, humorous, and amazing "weed". Only she's not really a weed. But she sure is growing like one. I'm very excited to get her stats next month and see just how much she has grown. I know my arms get sore after about 4.5 seconds of carrying her around. She's looking taller and her brains are clearly growing because her noggin is getting somewhat bigger.
Along with her growing..her love of food is blossoming as well. This girl LOVES to eat! Her favorites include Cheerios, berry applesauce, toast, steamed broccoli, and yogurt. We occasionally still do stage 3 foods but she's mostly eating whatever we eat. (Usually because when she sees us eating she starts a small riot..demanding our food in her belly). She does really great with her sippy cup too and loves ice water. She's not a fan of juice..which I don't mind at all. She's still working on her pincher grip because she's having difficulty getting her cheerios from her hand into her mouth. It's a work in progress.
She is also working on crawling. It's SO close to being there. She makes the crawling motion and will even move a small distance. But she hasn't made consistent crawling motions. It's only a matter of time..and while I am excited...it also means that absolutely nothing will be safe any longer. She really loves to walk. Of course she isn't doing it by herself but she loves it when you hold her hands and let her walk with you. Down the halls...outside in the grass..at the park...in the bathtub..pretty much anywhere her feet touch. She has almost got the hang of pulling herself up too. I'm really intrigued to see what this next month brings us.
One thing she does JUST FINE is screech scream so loud it makes our eyes and ears bleed vocalize. She babbles mostly but does say "dada" "dad" "mum" (what is she, British?) "no" "eye" (which is what she repeats after you say hi to her five thousand a few times) and ""oh". It's so sweet! She also screams, yells, hollers, and whines with no problem. It's not so sweet!
I say this all the time... BUT..I really can't believe 8 months have already gone by. I really can't believe she will be a year old in 4 months. I really can't believe my baby is getting so big. Everyone always says to cherish the times when they are this little because it goes so fast. It really does. I feel like I've blinked a few times since leaving the hospital with her..and here we are. Being a mother...especially to this baby girl...it's the best a most wonderful experience I've ever had. I never imagined I would love being a mother this much. It is my greatest accomplishment in life and I can't imagine existing without her (and Tim..but this IS Kylee's post after all... lol). Here's to hoping life slows down a little bit..and I stop blinking.
I love you Kylee Lynn. Always. Forever.
Posted by Crissy at 8:46 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Blog Giveaways
SO I'm hoping to join the world of blog giveaways. I've seen and entered into some really awesome ones. (Currently I'm hoping to win one my friend Jessie is doing for a 3pk of Fuzzibunz cloth diapers!!)
Right now I'm in contact with the Kid O company in New York (that has GREAT toys and products..especially if you like toys with great design and wonderful educational purposes!). I'm hoping to be able to do a giveaway on their Bilibo toy. It's a pretty basic looking toy but is definitely an imagination stimulator! You should head on over to their site and check out what they have to offer..I'm sure you'll be sucked in like I was.
So..what's your favorite giveaway that you've done OR your favorite giveaway you've entered?
Mine is a toss up between Jessie's current giveaway (because I'm REALLY thinking about CDing) or a SKR giveaway I entered a while ago.
Posted by Crissy at 9:02 AM 1 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Happy 4th of July
Posted by Crissy at 1:08 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Store Brand vs Name Brand
So I've never considered myself a "Name Brand Snob"..you know..people who refuse to buy anything other than name brand products. Now forgive me if this is you. There's nothing wrong with name brand. I buy name brand products too. But it just drives me crazy when someone refuses to buy store brand (even if they haven't tried it) JUST because it IS store brand. I always give something a chance. Hey, if it's going to save me money..why not? If I don't like it..then I just will keep buying the name brand. Simple enough.
I remember before having Kylee..I asked my MOM group about the big difference between name brand and store brand diapers. I was thinking to myself..why not save some cash and just buy the cheap diapers. They all hold poo right? Name brand diapers aren't lined in gold or anything..so why pay more? Well shortly after Kylee was born I found out that store brand (at least WalMarts) diapers are about as useful as a parka in the summer. They were horrible. She leaked all day, every day. That was the end of store brand diapers.
Then the other day I sent Tim (bless his heart) to pick up a wipe refill pack (Pampers Sensitive all the way)..he came back with some Kroger-ish brand. Hmm..I figured..why not. give it a try. I might has well been wiping her butt with my own hand..slightly damp. These were the driest, thinnest wipes I've ever used. We went through them much faster than our usual brand because you had to triple them up just to avoid getting her lovely teething/eating solids poo on your hands. I was so happy today to pick up a refill at the store. And an added bonus..Pampers is making Sensitives Thick now! Sweet days!
So diapers and wipes MUST be name brand. Papmers to be specific. But there are things I will buy store brand. Milk is almost guaranteed to be store brand (unless there's an out-of-this-world sale on Roberts) because milk is milk. I can't taste the difference so it doesn't matter to me. I also buy Kylee's cereal puffs store brand but usually Gerber food (believe it or not..it's cheaper than the store brand at Bakers). I have Tim buying cheaper beer and smokes these days (yes..he's back to smoking..........) because Budweiser wants your soul and first born these days for a 12 pack and Marlboro is only accepting kidneys and small intestines these days in payment. Screw that! You wanna poison your body baby...you're going to do it cheaply. Right?
Papers towels and toilet paper are a name brand must. My backside demands it..and I'd rather use 1 towel on a spill than 8 plus the mop. Tissues too...my nose is sensitive and I HATE having the uber red and flaked up nose during allergy time because I'm wiping my nose with a brillo pad disguised as a store brand tissue.
But anyways..this whole post came about because this older lady whining in line at Bakers this morning at the price of her cans of diet drink (SlimFast)..well...there is another brand..a cheaper one you could..*gasp*..try! I swear..Kroger doesn't put rat poison in their products anymore it's okay to try them. Who knows..you may actually like them (since most things don't taste any different then a name brand) and your wallet may be thanking you.
Thanks for listening to my rant. Next time you're hitting the store..try the store brand of something you usually buy name brand. I dare you.
Posted by Crissy at 3:17 PM 2 comments
Friday, June 19, 2009
Never Pleased
sat⋅is⋅fac⋅tion [sat-is-fak-shuhn]
an act of satisfying; fulfillment; gratification.
the state of being satisfied; contentment.
the cause or means of being satisfied.
Posted by Crissy at 3:02 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Ignorance is Breeding
So this whole post is going to be one giant rant. So if you're not into listening to me bitch about how tired I am of ignorant people...you may want to direct your browser elsewhere.
I think of myself as a pretty easy going person. I tend to educate the uniformed rather than jump down their throats. I said I tend to..it doesn't ALWAYS happen. But..I realize..not everyone knows everything about all things. Myself included, of course. But give me a freakin break..are you going to tell me you weren't raised learning respect, common courtesy, and learning how to ...keep-your-damn-mouth-shut-if-what-you're-going-to-say-could-be-offensive?? I mean..it seems pretty simple to me. It's something I plan on teaching my own children. But apparently...not every family thinks the same way.
The purpose of this post is that I am SO tired of informing people of how I am related to Kylee..my daughter...the life that was conceived and GREW INSIDE OF MY BODY!! Not that it's any of their business. I could be her hired nanny or her kidnapper...but NO, I am her mother. Yes..I am biracial...yes she has her father's skin tone..which believe it or not..happens to be WHITE (most of the year anyway..unless I force him out into the evils known as ..sunshine). Now, just because you see me composed of olive skin and black hair...and a beautiful baby girl with light brown/blonde hair and pale skin...this does NOT mean I am:
A> Her babysitter
B> Her ADOPTED mother
C> An extended family member (i.e. her aunt)
So please...to save your face from meeting a fist...NEVER..I repeat NEVER..question a relationship status of someone based solely on their skin color. It's tacky and disrespectful. So when I'm at Wal-hell please don't look at my daughter and say.."Look at all the yummy food your babysitter is getting you..you're a lucky girl!" ...because I will jump over the damned register and beat your face into the dirty, mucked up floor you stand on day in and day out. I mean..seriously..who says that?!?! Also..never ask me if I adopted her. You look like trash and you sound like trash and I will pass my baby to the person standing nearest to me and I will repeat the attack I blessed the Wal-hell cashier with. No joke.
I would never in my LIFE ever ask anyone some of the questions I've been asked about how I'm related to my daughter. Never. Yes. I am a BI-RACIAL mother who had a baby with a WHITE man..and believe it the f$#@ not..my baby did get BOTH of our DNA's...and she did come out with my eye shape..but her father's color. My lips but her father's chin. My face shape..but her father's skin tone!! Holy shit balls! Can you believe it? Now crawl back in the whole you manifested from..and leave me and my "complicated" family alone. Thanks!
Posted by Crissy at 1:04 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Life After 6 Months
Posted by Crissy at 4:40 PM 0 comments