So since the roads are covered in snow, ice, and other craptasticness (what a word!) and Kylee are still indoors. In our pajamas. Finding ways to stay entertained. I decided today was the perfect day in the ice cold tundra to make... Banana Muffins!! So I headed on over to Cat Can Cook and snagged up the perfect recipe and headed to the kitchen. Kylee was very excited for this because she got to cross over the gate to get into the kitchen which pretty much never happens! We washed our hands and set to work. I had already measured things and set them out. Life with a 13 month old requires preparation and planning. Let me just say... it was a BLAST! Kylee actually helped a lot! She put in flour and helped mix and stir. She also laughed when I was cracking the egg. Silly girl! The muffins turned out great and we each enjoyed one with a nice cold glass of milk!
Thirsties Potty Training Pant Review
6 years ago
She is so stinkin' cute! Those are some mighty fine longies she has on! I wish I'd decided to have Jess make C a pair! He's wearing his guitar longies today.
FUN! I need to do that with Cub! We now put a step stool up to the kitchen sink so he can watch Daddy do dishes! He LOVES being involved!
Looks like you had a good day. What a cutie! If I tried to do that with Fiona she would just toss the bowl on the floor. She's very into throwing everything these days.
ethan wore his guitar longies today, too...what happened to the second pair of owl longies? do i still have fabric here?
she is so cute...poor ethan doesn't get to cross into the kitchen b/c he goes straight for the kid cup drawer and starts unloading it for me.
can kylee come help me back an italian cream cake and peanut butter cookies tomorrow?
Anna don't worry...Kylee had a stage like that. Everything she touched had to be thrown. She's pretty good about that now.
Jess she would TOTALLY love to come over and help bake. Unfortunately we will not be crossing out into the cold COLD world today. It's another pajama day! Italian cream cake sounds amazing!
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