Well... as usual..time is still flying and my princess is growing older every day. This past week she turned the big 9 months. Well it's not really 'the big'..but putting that in front of 9 months makes it seem more unbelievable and crazy! She celebrated by having a playdate with her boyfriend, Ethan (aka being babysat by his mommy so I could go to a meeting). They had a great time which was to be expected. Those two are just too darn cute together!So what has Kylee been up to lately? Well..she has turned into quite the crawling machine! This girl is fast. One minute she's there..and the next minute she's gone. She has also gotten really good about going from laying, to sitting, to standing, to cruising along the furniture. She can also stand solo for about 5-10 seconds. So it's only a matter of time before she's cruising on her feet. She LOVES to dance. Oddly enough she really loves polka music (I blame that on endless hours at the St. Stan's Polish festival...meh, I guess it could be worse...) and can 'drop it like it's hot' like no other baby I've seen. She REALLY loves books. If you pick up a book and she's insight of you, she will crawl over and sit in your lap. She LOVES to help by turning the pages. This girl also loves nature. She is SO happy and vocal when she's outside and seeing different people. We also think she might be a little boy crazy already. She loves her Ethan but she also giggles and hides her face when she's around boys/men in general. We've also really gotten into cloth diapering with her. Her diaper rash issue has cleared up SO much since the switch too. Not to mention our wallets aren't as bare due to excessive disposable purchases. It's nice. AND as of two days ago, Kylee FINALLY has 2 teeth coming in on the bottom. I still can't picture my baby girl with teeth..like I never thought it would happen or something. She is also starting to sport some hair. SOME being the key word..but it's coming in. Light brown with lots of blonde in it. I can't wait to see it in its full glory. I'm not tooting my own horn or anything (toot toot) but I seriously have one GORGEOUS baby girl!
She has also become food crazy. Anytime she sees anyone eating something..she MUST have it. It doesn't matter if she just ate not too long ago..clearly we never feed her..and she has to have everyone else's food. She's too cool for baby food most of the time and wants the real deal. This girl would live on toast, yogurt, and fruit if I let her. But alas..she must also eat meats and grains. I know..I know..what a horrible mommy I am for trying to make her eat balanced meals. I think one day she'll appreciate me for it.
I also think this baby girl is going to be in swim lessons before we know it. She craves her baby pool and stalks the bathroom door until she's given a bath. The second she hears the water running she bolts for the bathroom door and when it's time to come out, she's sad faces and tears. Gosh I love my little water baby.
Anyways..that's 9 month Kylee in a nutshell. Her little personality is growing and developing so much every day and it's so fun to experience. She's such a happy and outgoing baby and I couldn't ask for more. (Although I would like her to stop bullying the smaller babies in our playgroup.....sorry Fi and Alex..) I can't wait to see what the future has in store for our precious hunk of amazing wonderfulness. I know it's going to be great!
Weight: 21lbs 13oz (90%)
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